By Ihor Magun, MD, FACP
Perception is the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through all our senses. It shapes, molds and influences our health and well-being. Stress, thinking patterns, mindset, exercise, and close relationships all affect how we view the world and ourselves.
You may wonder what our well-being has to do with our perception of reality? The answer is Everything. How we perceive the world in all aspects of our life shapes our individual reality. This simple concept explains why different people experience even similar situations differently. We all make judgments and form opinions based on what we perceive. The reality is that everything we see is a perspective and not always the absolute truth.
Past experiences influence how we react to any given situation, and our reactions can be positive or negative. We may not even be aware of how and what influenced our response. Individuals who have different opinions about a given event or situation are essentially experiencing reality through their own values and experiences. Knowing this fact can help us be more understanding of others and prevent potential conflicts.
A corollary to this is that health perception is a personal and individuals assessment of our own personal health. There is clear evidence that psychological well-being influences our health in general and is also associated with better health. Some individuals, albeit suffering from chronic ailment, may perceive themselves as healthy, whereas others may perceive themselves as ill even without having any disease. It has been definitively proven that the higher psychological well-being is, the higher the feeling about one’s health.
Changing your perception is never easy. The first step is to always remember that your opinion or way of evaluating a situation is based on your own perception of reality. Each of us perceives reality from our own perspective. Knowing this fact can help us be more understanding of others and lets us learn from others and their perceptions.
Being cared for by others and incorporating a reliable network to turn to when needed defines social support. The way and degree to which we perceive social support is a significant predictor of life satisfaction. Emotional support benefits mental health. A positive association between perceived social support and psychological well being functions as a protective mechanism leading to an improved sense of well-being.
I hope this new year allows you to give yourself the gift of adjusting/changing your perceptions of yourself and others. It may be the best gift you will ever receive!