All the media hype about creams and life style changes achieving younger looking skin may make you wonder if it is all for real. Can there by any truth to these claims? The answer is an emphatic YES! Read on and begin your own transformation process.
As you probably already know, good skin starts by addressing all the factors that nourish and naturally rebuild and repair skin damaged by sun or neglect. Adequate sleep is paramount, and that means a minimum of six to seven hours every night. The rest of the list includes adequate hydration, appropriate nutrition (eating colorfully), limiting alcohol intake to one glass per day for women and two for men, stopping smoking, limiting salt in your diet, and serious protection from the damaging effects of the sun.
Exfoliation, which is removal of the outer layer of the skin, should become a regular ritual. To have good skin, you need to remove dead skin cells and any makeup residue. You can use a gentle exfoliating brush or sponge to accomplish this, and don't limit this to your face; exfoliation is good for the entire body. For good results, follow this procedure, which should only take no more than one to two minutes:
-limit your shower or bathing time and avoid very hot water because you do not want to completely remove the natural oils on your skin
-do not over soap and use moisturizing soap or liquid because the traditional bar of soap is typically too harsh for the face
-use a gentle face cleanser (these are clearly labeled and are available at your local drugstore, department store, or online)
-pat dry your skin rather than vigorously over rubbing.
For any product to work, it must literally "communicate" with your skin, so apply skin care products in a very specific sequence to ensure maximum results from their active ingredients. Prescription medications should always be top priority and applied first. Next (or the first if there is no prescription medication in your skincare repertoire) apply sunscreen. This should be done daily irrespective of time of year or geographic location. Sunscreen should be applied on dry, clean skin. For full sun protection benefit, there should be notiong under the sunscreen because it is sunscreen that provides the protective grid that is the underlying foundation for good skin. You can save yourself some time (and money) by purchasing a moisturizer that has a sun-protective factor (at least 30 SPF).
The mantra of real estate agents is "location, location, location." For skin care, the mantra is "moisturize, moisturize, moisturize." There are so many products available that it is easy to find one that is reasonably priced. The Oil of Olay family of products, for example, have been around for a long time, have been quite helpful to generations of women, and are reasonably priced. Creams that contain retinoid help rebuild collagen, repair ultraviolet damage, exfoliate, and actually brighten the skin. They work best when applied at night because retinoids tend to make the skin more sensitive to sun. RoC Retinol is one over-the-counter choice. There are many to choose from, and they are available everywhere. There are also prescription versions of these creams, and you can inquire about them and discuss them with your physician to see if you would benefit from them. One last word about apply moisturizers and makeup: Moisturizers should always be applied first.
It takes some time and effort to incorporate all these recommendations, but a few weeks of diligent application of daily moisturizer (especially on the face) will make a big visible difference. Not only will you feel better, you will look better and you will be rewarded for your diligence by all the compliments the better and younger looking you will be getting. So get glowing!
P.S. Doc Magun's quick and easy recipe for a homemade face mask:
Step 1: In a food processor, blend a half cup of uncooked oatmeal for five seconds, mix in two teaspoons of honey and a little water until you achieve a spreadable consistency.
Step 2: Smooth the mixture onto your face and let is sit for five to ten minutes.
Step 3: Rinse and moisturize your face.
Step 4: Savor your smooth skin and the compliments you get.